May is here! How it arrives with such speed and force is always a mystery. Of course, there is no other option but to jump in and go with it. Oliver is already begging for a swim in Tigger Lake. Although I think we might have a week until the ice goes out, buds are popping, birds are flitting all around, veggies and flowers are in full swing out at the farm, and we're sprucing things up around the Squirrel in preparation for summer. Our favorite part of this crazy transforming time of year is meeting new, happy, friendly faces: Squirrel summer employees, farm interns, and, of course so many customers! We hope to see you all at the Squirrel over this summer, here are a few reasons why...
Mother's Day Brunch!
Sunday, May 14, 11am-3pm
Treat a mom in your life to our annual luxurious and delicious full service brunch. The fixed price menu includes beautifully presented breakfast, lunch and brunch entrees, special kids' menu, decadent desserts, mimosas, flowers, yoga for moms with Kelly, and more! Reservations highly recommended, call 733-6887 to reserve a table.
Art Shows
Come by to see some fresh paintings by Jon Mann over the next month. No opening reception for this show, but we're always happy to have something colorful and thoughtful on the walls! In June and July, Karen Mannix and Paul Button will collaborate on a glass and wood show that is sure to be interesting and exciting! The opening reception will be Saturday, June 10 from 3-5pm. Beginning in October, there are plenty of slots for artists to do solo or group showings. Just contact Anita for more information.
Opportunities to Support our Family Farm
Can't let spring go by without a plug for my family's farm efforts. Brian's CSA vegetable share program is underway for the 2017 season. To sign up for vegetable shares with pick ups next to the Squirrel from mid June into September, come by the Squirrel for a Share Registration Form, or print the form online! Also, the retail greenhouse out at Birch Creek Ranch will be open for about a month beginning May 18. This year, the farm will welcome retail customers Thursdays through Sundays. Check the signs out on the road to find out if they're open; we'll also post updates on Facebook. I for one can't wait for broccoli, snap peas, cherry tomatoes and fresh herbs!
Summer Staff
We are welcoming many new staff as usual during the month of May! Sierra, Kimmie and I are doing our best to pass on all of our Squirrel knowledge and hope you will be patient as all the new folks learn the ropes. Say hello to Haley, Jeff, Kate, Serandon, Rebecca, Sally, Viviane, Vicky, Erin and Eileen! During the Great Talkeetna Job Shuffle of 2017, we ended up without a full time cook. So if you or someone you know has decent knife skills, a friendly, reliable personality and likes making soups, quiches, sandwiches, chop veggies, roast meats, toss salads and work around a great bunch of delicious food freaks, contact Anita to apply! This is a full time, daytime position and includes weekends. photo by Katie Writer!
Summer Hours
May is transition month. The current plan includes the following changes throughout the month:
Summer hours (open 7 days) beginning May 21.
Until May 21, we will still be closed Mondays and Tuesdays.
After May 21:
Sundays: 8am-5pm
Mondays-Wednesdays: 7:30am-6pm
Thursdays-Saturdays: 7:30am-9pm
(Wood Fired Pizza Thursdays-Saturdays: 4-9:00pm)
As always, I will be juggling many balls to keep the Squirrel running smoothly throughout the summer, but I hope you know to contact me anytime with questions, comments or concerns. Our goal is always to serve amazing food, drinks, and baked goods and to make sure that loyal customers like you enjoy every bite that goes in your mouth along with every minute you are at the Flying Squirrel.
Many thanks,
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